Best for funds under $3M
Everything you need to start and manage your fund (legal fund formation, fund admin, fund filings, investor closings, tax)
Full Service
annualized cost
0.75% of fund size + $3.5k
Fund admin, tax services, fund filings, transaction reviews, and valuation support
Number of investments:
Pricing may vary with add-on services
Best for funds between $3M and $30M
Everything you need to start and manage your fund (legal fund formation, fund admin, fund filings, investor closings, tax)
Full Service
annualized cost
0.75% of fund size + $3.5k
Fund admin, tax services, fund filings, transaction reviews, and valuation support
Number of investments:
Pricing may vary with add-on services
Best for funds over $30M
Everything you need to start and manage your fund (legal fund formation, fund admin, fund filings, investor closings, tax)
Full Service
annualized cost
0.75% of fund size + $3.5k
Fund admin, tax services, fund filings, transaction reviews, and valuation support
Number of investments:
Pricing may vary with add-on services
Accept new capital every quarter so you never need to raise another fund.
An all-encompassing solution to accept and invest money from your LPs on a quarterly basis.
Full Service
Annualized cost per quarterly fund
0.2% of fund size + $2.5k
Fund admin, tax services, fund filings, transaction reviews, and valuation support
Number of investments:
State regulatory fees:
Variable ($5k max)
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